Moments of the teacher's life in the memories of student friends (to the 80th anniversary of the birth of IP Kolesnik)

  • Mykola Suprun Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary
  • Volodymyr Shevchenko Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
  • Iryna Hladchenko Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: Moments of the teacher's life in the memories of student friends (to the 80th anniversary of the birth of IP Kolesnik)


Moments of the teacher's life in the memories of student friends (to the 80th anniversary of the birth of IP Kolesnik)


Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. – 2022. − № 1. – С. 89-93
How to Cite
Suprun, M., Shevchenko, V., & Hladchenko, I. (2022). Moments of the teacher’s life in the memories of student friends (to the 80th anniversary of the birth of IP Kolesnik). EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 105(1), 89-92.