Formation of phonologial competence in children with severe speech disorders
In the article is presented the system of formation of the phonological component of speech activity from the standpoint of the psycholinguistic approach (as per E. Sobotovich). The psycholinguistic approach is aimed at preventing and correcting disorders by forming unlearned language structures. This occurs through the psychological mechanisms that shape and provide these structures. Accordingly, correctional work is focused on the formation of psychological mechanisms that provide spontaneous and self-regulated development of speech in the norm and open up opportunities for the transformation of the child's speech into a full-fledged system.
The formation of phonological competence aims to develop various components of the speech system: focus on the phonological structure of speech, perceptual level of auditory perception, auditory memory, auditory control (self-control), phonemic representations, various forms of sound analysis.
On this basis, there is a preparation for mastering the phonetic and related phonemic and morphological principles of spelling and prevention of dysgraphia. One of the most difficult speech disorders in children is a violation of speech, which becomes an obstacle to mastering the phonological component of the language system, especially in the process of preparing the child to learn language as a subject in school. The specifics of teaching primary school students with severe speech disorders is that at the time of entering school the level of their practical speech skills does not reach a sufficient level. At present, this fact is of great importance for the education of such children in an inclusive environment. The existing basic speech disorder affects the state of development of the phonological component of speech. In turn, in the process of mastering morphological language systems, the question of the child's mastery of the sound structure of the word becomes important, because phonemes are the "building material" of morphemes, words, phrases, sentences, text. This knowledge is provided by a complex system of mental operations with phonological units of language, which are gradually formed.
In the process of correctional and developmental work, the formation of the phonological component in children with speech disorders occurs in stages, as presented in the article. As a result of such influence at children successful preconditions of development of phonological competence are formed.