Features of auditory development of children with cochlear implants
The goal of this article is to analyze current approaches to the problem of hearing and speech development of children with cochlear implants, to determine the directions of influence and conditions of realization effectively. The methods of the research were an analysis of literature sources, a study and generalization
of practical experience. The analysis of literature sources has showed the diversity of the field of research.
Taking some of the basic characteristics of the method of the cochlear implantation allowed us to consider
it as multilevel, interdisciplinary system of measures aimed at the function of hearing restoration people
with severe loss of hearing. Criteria of efficiency of this method from the pedagogical point of view are
defined and analysis of modern neuropsychological research has shown that the sensitivity of the early
childhood for auditory and speech development was linked with the peculiarities of the ontogenesis of
plasticity of the nervous system. That’s why the hearing aids with cochlear implants are the most effective
during this period. The expediency of consideration special needs of children with cochlear implants in
the context of personality-oriented paradigm is considered as a basis for refusing to unify the content
of correctional and developmental impact, and taking into account the stages of speech development.
The article is described how the correctional and developmental impact is implemented at the macro
level (state programs for hearing screening of newborns and early intervention, interdisciplinary support,
operation of institutions, training of specialists who provide assistance to children and their families) and
micro level (parents, relatives, educational institution staff, people with whom the child communicates
usually or sometimes) and what tasks are decided at each level. The partnership model of communication
between specialists and parents of a child with a cochlear implant is characterized and the content is
determined. Compliance with the principles of early intervention, personal orientation, continuity,
multiple-level structure, complexity, interdisciplinarity, accessibility to services, in our opinion, will help
to optimize of hearing development of children with cochlear implants and can be used as the basis for
developing the technology of correctional and developmental impact.