Psychological aspects of feeding blind children from birth to three years

  • Kateryna Dovhopola Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: blind children, early age, early intervention, feeding, communication.


Article title. The article considers the psychological aspects of breastfeeding as one of the most important
aspects in caring for a child and the emotionally rich process of communication between mother and
child. Blind children and their parents have some difficulties how to eat on their own. The inability to see
the food and how adults eat it affects the perception, awareness and expectations of the food offered to
Possibilities of optimizing the complex interaction of mother and child with visual impairments and
improving the quality of the feeding process in the process of early intervention are highlighted. It is
established that the process of feeding blind children contains common with normative children aspects
and specific aspects.


Особлива дитина: навчання та виховання. 2(102). 2021. 69-76
How to Cite
Dovhopola, K. (2021). Psychological aspects of feeding blind children from birth to three years. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 102(2), 69-76.