Psychodiagnostic methods for children with visual disorders: adaptation and modification
Nowadays modern psychodiagnostic of children with special educational needs actively implemented in inclusive resource centers where a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child’s development is the end result of the assessment process and determines the further optimal educational route of the child, including blind and visual impaired. However, the psychodiagnostic of children with visual impairments require special (adapted/modified) techniques that allow children to be examined taking into account visual deprivation. The issue concerning the problem of diagnosing children with visual impairments, which is related to the specificity of preparing the diagnostic material individually for each child, depending on the visual diagnosis is highlighted. The importance of adaptation (modification) of the diagnostic material in the context of qualitative and effective education of children with visual impairments in both specialized institutions and general educational institutions with an inclusive form of study is outlined. The author analyzes the state of existing, state of development and adaptation (modification) of diagnostic methods in educational institutions at this stage. The author raises the issue of the development of the only list of diagnostic methods of examination children with different pathology of vision with appropriate requirements and recommendations. Requirements are given for the stimulating material of the methods, for the organization and examination children with visual impairment, the features of visual acceptance for visual impairment are presented, which can be used not only in diagnostics but also in writing conclusions and recommendations.
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