Opportunities of dolphin therapy in work with adolescents with mild intellectual disorders
The ascertaining and forming experiments of our research were carried out based on the developed and theoretically substantiated structural model of the personality of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, which includes two areas: life-meaning and emotional-willed. A psychodiagnostic complex was selected and adapted to study the characteristics of the personal development of adolescents in this category and the possibilities of their socio-psychological adaptation, which includes eight methods.
Features of personal development and socio-psychological adaptation were studied based on a total sample of 254 adolescents. The experimental group consisted of 150 adolescents with mild intellectual disorders, while the control group consisted of 104 senior students of secondary schools in the city of Kiev.
The article presents the results of an experimental study of the psychological characteristics of the formation of a person with intellectual disabilities at the adolescent stage, and shows the positive impact of dolphin therapy on the adaptive capabilities of adolescents. A threecomponent model of a correctional development program based on dolphin therapy is presented here. The correctional development program combines various types of psychological correction to address issues of optimizing the personal development of adolescents in this category. The main component of the correctional-development program is dolphin therapy,
which is supplemented by methods of fairy-tale therapy and cognitive psychotherapy. The dolphin symbols were used as effective tools for dolphin therapy: their images, voices, fairytale and mythical heroes, toys without the direct communication of adolescents with the animal therapist.
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