Domestic education and science as a basis for the development of society's potential

  • Julia Rybtsun Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Days of Science


On the third Saturday of May, Ukraine celebrates the professional holiday of workers
the cradle of science. That is why the annual traditional event of the Institute is the holding
scientists together with psychological and pedagogical workers of preschool institutions
noy, school, higher education, educational and rehabilitation, inclusive and resource
centers of the All-Ukrainian Marathon as part of the Days of Science. Marathon this year
lasted from May 16 to 24. All seven departments were able to present at it
their significant scientific achievements, which are in great demand among scientific
teaching staff and are effectively implemented in practice.


Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. − № 2 (106). – С. 82-91
How to Cite
Rybtsun, J. (2022). Domestic education and science as a basis for the development of society’s potential. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 106(2), 82-91.