Organization of interactive learning for students with hearing impairments in primary school

  • Natalia Sergeeva Geneza publishing house
Keywords: interactive learning, cognitive activity, primary school students, students with hearing impairments.


Among the main components of the formula of the New Ukrainian School according to the
Concept are: development of the child’s individuality on the basis of revealing his talents,
abilities and capabilities, formation of value orientations, satisfaction of interests and needs of
the growing personality, education of needs for independent knowledge of the world. activities.
In this regard, the development of cognitive activity of the child’s personality is an important
condition necessary to achieve positive learning outcomes. The purpose of the article is to
present the results of research of theoretical bases of development of cognitive activity of
pupils of initial classes by means of interactive training, to define leading positions concerning
application of interactive methods in education of younger schoolboys with hearing impairments.
It is established that the combination of traditional tools with interactive methods / digital
technologies can significantly increase students’ motivation to learn; provides an opportunity to implement a differentiated approach to all students; promotes better integration of the child
into the educational process in inclusive education; is effective in distance learning; provides
end-to-end formation of information competence during the entire training period; allows you
to make the educational process more perfect and personality-oriented.


Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. – 2022. − № 1. – С. 69-77
How to Cite
Sergeeva, N. (2022). Organization of interactive learning for students with hearing impairments in primary school. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 105(1), 69-77.