Methodological guide within the existential-subjective approach for researching on communicative activities of primary school children with developmental delay

  • Iryna Omelchenko Інститут спеціальної педагогіки і психології імені Миколи Ярмаченка НАПН України
Keywords: existential-subjective approach, communicative activity, communications, methodology, principles, developmental delay, preschoolers.


The article shows that the unifying feature of modern approaches to communicative activity understanding is the existential-ontological, axiological, existential-semantic planes that correspond to the intra-subjective paradigm of psychological knowledge and people interactions. The existential-subjective scientific approach allowed us, firstly, to determine significance of a dialogue as an existential event; secondly, to determine that comprehension of the inter-, intra-subjective and para-social planes of children’s communicative activities and their mental, spiritual and spiritual manifestations requires an non-traditional – existential-ontological, organicspiritual – methodology for understanding and interpretation of the phenomena. The existentialsubjective scientific approach for researching on motivational-intentional, epistemologicalaffective, reflective-semantic and reflexive-value functions of communicative activities will be implemented through revealing of the specificity of contacts occurring within the limits of Self and inter-subjective interactions with adults and peers, which is embodied in a system of attitudes. The reflexive-semantic function of communicative activities is revealed through understanding of a position and its mentalization; and the reflective-value function is realized through intra- and para-social communicative relations, symbolization, verbalized internal dialogue and decentration, which present an inter-subjective relations with the Other in culture. The research methodology has been substantiated: cognitive, hermeneutic, narrative, and existential in order to study the integral functional structure of communicative activities on I – the Other (I – the Other Self) planes and its objective laws. The basic principles of researching on communicative activities on I – the Other (I – the Other Self) plane are theoretically substantiated: structural-genetic, subjectivity, cultural contexts, ontological constructivism, integration, unity of methodological, diagnostic, corrective-developmental and psycho-correctional interventions; the differential approach


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How to Cite
Omelchenko, I. (2020). Methodological guide within the existential-subjective approach for researching on communicative activities of primary school children with developmental delay. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 4(89), 40-52.