Methodological guide within the existential-subjective approach for researching on communicative activities of primary school children with developmental delay
The article shows that the unifying feature of modern approaches to communicative activity understanding is the existential-ontological, axiological, existential-semantic planes that correspond to the intra-subjective paradigm of psychological knowledge and people interactions. The existential-subjective scientific approach allowed us, firstly, to determine significance of a dialogue as an existential event; secondly, to determine that comprehension of the inter-, intra-subjective and para-social planes of children’s communicative activities and their mental, spiritual and spiritual manifestations requires an non-traditional – existential-ontological, organicspiritual – methodology for understanding and interpretation of the phenomena. The existentialsubjective scientific approach for researching on motivational-intentional, epistemologicalaffective, reflective-semantic and reflexive-value functions of communicative activities will be implemented through revealing of the specificity of contacts occurring within the limits of Self and inter-subjective interactions with adults and peers, which is embodied in a system of attitudes. The reflexive-semantic function of communicative activities is revealed through understanding of a position and its mentalization; and the reflective-value function is realized through intra- and para-social communicative relations, symbolization, verbalized internal dialogue and decentration, which present an inter-subjective relations with the Other in culture. The research methodology has been substantiated: cognitive, hermeneutic, narrative, and existential in order to study the integral functional structure of communicative activities on I – the Other (I – the Other Self) planes and its objective laws. The basic principles of researching on communicative activities on I – the Other (I – the Other Self) plane are theoretically substantiated: structural-genetic, subjectivity, cultural contexts, ontological constructivism, integration, unity of methodological, diagnostic, corrective-developmental and psycho-correctional interventions; the differential approach
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