The use of correctional and health exercises in working with children with intellectual disabilities

  • Olena Horbatiuk South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky
Keywords: children with intellectual disabilities, correctional and health exercises, aerobics.


Use of correctional and health exercises in work with children with disabilities of intellectual development
Abstract. The article covers the use of corrective and health exercises in working with children with
intellectual disabilities. Scientific researches are analyzed, where the basic theoretical positions
concerning this category of children are stated. Correctional and health-improving methods and programs
for children with intellectual disabilities are considered and the absence of specialized programs with a
comprehensive use of health-improving and corrective means, including means of health aerobics, is
stated. The analysis of health-improving types of aerobics is carried out and the main types which will
allow to reach increase of a level of physical fitness of schoolboys with infringements of intellectual
development are allocated. The conclusions of the article indicate the need for an individual approach
to children with intellectual disabilities, because children in this category often do not represent a single
qualification group in terms of physical fitness.


Особлива дитина: навчання та виховання. 2(102). 2021. 77-83
How to Cite
Horbatiuk, O. (2021). The use of correctional and health exercises in working with children with intellectual disabilities. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 102(2), 77-83.