Psycholinguistic methodological tools for overcoming dyslexia in students of primary school (to help practitioners)
The article is devoted to the issue of dyslexia in students with severe speech disorders. The purpose
of the article is to highlight the psychologically and pedagogically sound step-by-step method of
overcoming dyslexia in junior high school students on the material of the letters of the Ukrainian alphabet.
Reading disorders can manifest themselves in the syndrome of severe speech disorders, as well as
an independent disorder. In practice, it is customary to consider in each case from the standpoint of
one of the already known forms of dyslexia, as independent disorders of written speech. At the same
time, considerable attention is paid to the ratio of errors during reading and work on their elimination.
Based on the analysis of psycholinguistic, speech therapy, linguistic, methodological literature, we came
to the conclusion that today in speech therapy practice there is no such methodological toolkit, which
would be based on a psycholinguistic model of mastering the skill of reading based on the letters of
the Ukrainian alphabet. At the same time, the whole range of domestic scientific and methodological
achievements of the last decade is a rich and deep basis for this. Given that the occurrence of dyslexic
errors is a consequence of systemic impairment of auditory and (or) visual functions and operations in
general, as well as insufficient development of interhemispheric interaction, the article presents training
methods aimed at forming these functions and operations during special tasks on the author’s didactic
material. The content of the method, formed the development of visual perception, attention, memory and
control; development of auditory perception, attention, memory and control; development of phonemic
processes (phonemic representations, sound analysis in internal and external plans); development of
interhemispheric interaction. The article provides examples of lessons centered around a single letter of
the Ukrainian alphabet. A wide range of development tasks is presented, each time containing the above
areas of work.
The article presents a new Ukrainian-language material of the method by which it is possible to
choose the most optimal and effective way of corrective work, under the conditions of preliminary
diagnostics of the state of formation of psycholinguistic components of reading skills. The results
of approbation of the given technique testify to its high efficiency. First of all, due to the wide
range of tasks aimed at overcoming the mechanism of violation, as well as the flexibility of the
technique itself. However, the development of special scientific and methodological support aimed
at overcoming this disorder does not exhaust all the urgent needs, which should be reflected in
further scientific research.