The use of innovative technologies in adaptive physical education in a special boarding school for children with hearing impairments

  • Serhiy Afanasiev Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Iryna Rodymenko Municipal Educational Institution «Multidisciplinary Training and Rehabilitation Center» of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council
  • Kyrylo Burdayev Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
Keywords: children with hearing impairments, adaptive physical education.


In Ukraine, the number of children with disorders of sensory systems is increasing annually,
a significant part of which are children with hearing impairments. In the works of many scientists, the negative impact of hearing impairment on the musculoskeletal system of children, impaired posture
and support-spring properties of the foot are stated. The article presents the author’s technology for its
implementation in the process of adaptive physical education. The developed technology is based on the
fundamental provisions of the theory and methodology of adaptive physical education with the following
tasks: general, namely, educational, health-improving, verbal, compensatory, educational; and special
The effectiveness of the offered technology was assessed of 7-year-old primary school children with
hearing impairments. The positive influence of the means and methods of the author’s technology
on the state of posture and the formation of the supporting spring properties of the foot of children
with hearing impairments has been established. An increase in the time of maintaining the static
balance of the body, an improvement in the kinematic structure of walking, and positive changes
in the temporal characteristics of walking were proved. The conducted investigations indicate the
high efficiency of the developed technology for the formation of the static and dynamic posture of
children of primary school age with hearing impairments, which gives every reason to recommend it
for use in the process of adaptive physical education in special educational institutions for children
with hearing impairments.


Особлива дитина: навчання та виховання. 2(102). 2021. 39-49
How to Cite
Afanasiev, S., Rodymenko, I., & Burdayev, K. (2021). The use of innovative technologies in adaptive physical education in a special boarding school for children with hearing impairments. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 102(2), 39-49.