Problem of formation of informatics competences for high school students with psychological disorders
The article deals with the problem of the formation of informatical competences in senior pupils with psychophysical disorders. The analysis of modern psychological and pedagogical research about the feasibility and effectiveness of the use computer technology in the educational process of special educational institutions is given. It has been established that the use of information technologies makes it possible to modernize and improve the quality of education, also the pupils’ interest in mastering basic knowledge, which affects on the formation of their information and communication competencies. Attention is paid to the correctional orientation of the use computer technology in the process assimilation of educational material by pupils, because this process is taking place with considerable difficulty due to their limited capabilities. It has been established that without some knowledge in the area of informatics such students cannot adapt to life in society after graduation. It is proved that the state of theoretical and practical solutions to the identified problem in special pedagogy does not meet the contemporary needs of society, which indicates the relevance and demand of the issues raised. The article substantiates the need to determine the pedagogical technologies for the formation of informatics competencies among senior pupils of a special comprehensive school.
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