On the problem of differentiated education in inclusive space
The problem of differentiated education in modern psychological and pedagogical science acquires a new meaning in the context of the education of children with special needs in an inclusive space. In modern science, differentiated education is considered in connection with the necessity and possibility of humanizing education, as the technology of student-centered pedagogy. The differentiated education is based on the necessity to take into account the individual (individual-typological) characteristics of the child.
The article provides a classification of the individual characteristics of students, which should be taken into account in the differentiated education. Among them, a special place is given to the specific features of the development of children with special needs (different nosologies, defect structures, etc.), according to which educational and correctional influence is exercised in an inclusive institution.
The essence of differentiated education as a pedagogical technology is described. Differentiated education is regarded as an organizational system, as an organization of the educational process based on typical individual characteristics of students. The principle of taking into account the individual characteristics of students is the differentiation: 1) according to abilities (psychological) and subject (pedagogical); 2) by abilities, by incapacity, by future profession, by the interests of students, by the talent of children; 3) external and internal. Through disclosing the essence of the types of differentiation and issues of pedagogical support of education, the possibilities of using the technology in the education of children with developmental disabilities are revealed, the most urgent issues of the problem are identified.
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