The article deals with the current issues of the education management system in a general secondary education institution, the formation of the director's managerial skills in a special general secondary education institution for children with intellectual disabilities. The urgency of the problem determines the purpose of the article: highlighting the theoretical and practical experience of the manager's managerial activity as an important condition for ensuring the educational process in Bilotserkiv special comprehensive school #19.
In order to achieve the goal, the research used the methods of analysis, systematization and generalization of the material. The author notes that a true professional in the field of education is also distinguished by the ability to systematically perceive pedagogical reality and systematically act in it. It is this property that provides the possibility of a holistic, structured vision of the logic of the pedagogical system and facilitates the construction of appropriate activities. And a special type of activity of the head of the institution of general secondary education is the management of the quality of education, which is aimed at supporting and improving the quality and efficiency of the functioning of the entire industry and the general educational, cultural and professional level of those who study. In the course of conducting a theoretical analysis, it was determined that ensuring the process of transferring the existing quality of education as an object of managerial influence to a state characterized by given parameters and substantiated indicators of the quality of education. It is not easy to define the field of competence of education management workers, because their activities are complex and diverse. A modern manager must possess knowledge and skills in various areas: the system of working with personnel, management methods, technical, management tools, the field of knowledge in the design and rationalization of the structure and technology of management processes, etc. Thus, the conducted theoretical research leads to the conclusion that the knowledge, skills, work methods formed by the majority of managers in the former conditions are insufficient to solve the new tasks facing the school. This leads to an unjustified choice of the educational institution's direction of activity, an excessive complication of the organizational and management structure of the school: the head does not sufficiently understand the leading ideas and modern trends in the development of education.
Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. №1(113). 2024. с.115-135