On the issue of creating universal educational programs for children with special speech needs

  • Julia Rybtsun Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: children with special speech needs, New Ukrainian school, universal educational programs, compensatory work.


Innovative scientific vision in the field of special education is to introduce new approaches to humanize socionic professions, improve the education of children with special educational needs (SEN) in the
context of inclusion, including the development of an updated curriculum to meet the existing needs of
a particular child. organization of the educational environment (creation of an individual development
program; adaptation, modification of school programs; increase of time for mastering educational
material; involvement in support of an interdisciplinary team of specialists; use of teaching aids, etc.).
Quite a large category of children with SEN are younger students with special speech needs, who, although
receiving qualifying education, studying in typical general education programs, have specific disorders of
both oral and written, both impressive and expressive, both external and external. internal speech, as well
as a kind of other higher mental functions – gnosis, praxis, mnestic and mental processes, emotional and
volitional sphere, which, in turn, requires characterological content of educational programs, given the
existing difficulties and levels of support.
That is why we, in accordance with the system-synergetic principle, developed universal educational
structured and at the same time dissipative nonlinear programs (adaptation-game cycle – 1 – 2 grades,
the main cycle – 3 – 4 grades of the New Ukrainian school), which provides for propaedeutic, educational
educational and correctional and developmental tasks that take into account current trends in special
education at all levels, allow us to trace the horizontal of interdisciplinary dialogues, ensure continuity
between preschool and school, form the basis of the adaptation cycle (5 – 6 grades) and basic subject
learning (7 – 9 grades).
We used methods of theoretical level of research (analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization,
inductive and deductive), as well as empirical logopsychodiagnostic methods.


Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. − № 2 (106). – С. 59-64
How to Cite
Rybtsun, J. (2022). On the issue of creating universal educational programs for children with special speech needs. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 106(2), 59-64. https://doi.org/10.33189/ectu.v106i2.106