To the problem of studying hyperactive disorder with attention deficiency in primary school children

  • Kseniia Buzhinetska Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology named Mykola Yarmachenko of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv Ukraine
Keywords: psychology, children with special educational needs, inattention, impaired selfcontrol, behavioral disorders, learning difficulties, lack of communication skills, secondary complications of hyperactivity.


The article attempts to outline the features of education, upbringing and development of
children who are burdened with hyperactive disorder with attention deficit.
According to many scientists, hyperactivity is interpreted as a dysfunction of the chain connection
between the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia, which are involved in
higher nervous activity, including thought, emotion and learning, ie physiologically determined.
It is emphasized that the problem of such manifestations in children remains relevant in the
scientific community of modern scientists, in particular the problem of teaching preschoolers
and primary school children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, occupies a special
place among studies. difficulties during the assimilation of educational material, affects the
level of formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, etc.


Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. − № 2 (106). – С. 49-58
How to Cite
Buzhinetska, K. (2022). To the problem of studying hyperactive disorder with attention deficiency in primary school children. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 106(2), 49-58.