To the problem of socialization and labor adaptation of children with disabilities of intellectual development

  • Olena Horbatiuk Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology named Mykola Yarmachenko of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv Ukraine
Keywords: education, special pedagogy, children with intellectual disabilities, vocational training, socialization, adaptation.


The article highlights the features of socialization and labor adaptation of children with intellectual
disabilities who study in special education institutions. It is theoretically substantiated that the issue of
socialization and adaptation of children with intellectual disabilities in special pedagogy is still considered
insufficiently covered both in theoretical and practical terms. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the problems and approaches to their solution in
the pedagogical field of socialization and labor adaptation of children with intellectual disabilities.
The main tasks of labor training of students with special educational needs include: education of motivated
life-interested attitude to work and formation of appropriate personality traits (ability to work in a team,
sense of independence, self-affirmation, responsibility; correction and compensation by means of labor
training deficiencies of physical and mental development; professional training that allows you to work in
production after graduation).
It is noted that the main problem of vocational training of students with intellectual disabilities is closely
related to their psychophysiological readiness to master vocational activities, namely: strength, pace and
rhythm of purposeful movements, passivity and inertia of cognitive processes.
The main violations of the motor sphere of this category of children are considered and certain approaches
to solving the problem of social and labor adaptation of graduates of special schools are given.
It is concluded that solving problems is possible by improving the content of vocational training
based on the formation of students with intellectual disabilities professional vocational competence –
the necessary technical and technological knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with modern
production conditions.
We see further prospects in creating an effective system of vocational training in the new socio-economic
conditions of the country.


Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. − № 2 (106). – С. 39-48
How to Cite
Horbatiuk, O. (2022). To the problem of socialization and labor adaptation of children with disabilities of intellectual development. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 106(2), 39-48.