Methodological recommendations for the formation of social competence in primary school children with down syndrome

  • Julia Shevchenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology named Mykola Yarmachenko of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv Ukraine
Keywords: emotional sphere; mental states; efficient organization; emotional development; theory of emotions; socialization.


The statistic analyzes the theoretical aspects of the foreign tendencies and the regularities of the emotional
sphere in the development and becoming specialties. The author accentuates respect on the building of
the emotional generation of the emotional experience and the mental state of being special. Looking
at the destruction of the emotional-volovoy sphere and pouring into the development of specialness
in a child’s life. The statistic reveals the nature of the understanding of the “emotional sphere” in the
historical aspect, the processes of development and formation of the character of the character. The
main reasons and factors of the destruction of the emotional sphere and their pouring into the formation
of mental processes in the child, the character, the cognitive and intellectual development, for the sake
of socialization in the suspension are seen. The importance of the development of the peculiarities of
the emotional sphere of children will begin, and some of them will help to develop the strong link of the
emotional and mental development.
The author of the statistic means that the emotional sphere is not a common warehouse of psychic and
special development. On the basis of the development of the development of different types of activity.
Emotional sphere for a child to go through a trivial path of development, docks of the most sweetness
and versatility, which are accessible to older people. The main thing is to relate the inner light to the
peculiarities and knowledge of the inner workings related to the emotional experiences. At the same time,
it is important to continue the emotional sphere of specialness in the period of adaptation to quiet minds.
The cleverness of your emotions and feelings is also an important component in the development of
specialty. Formation of the emotional-volovoy sphere є one of the most important minds is the formation
of the specialness of a child, until she can be seen without interruption. Destruction in the development
of a child should be made to the point of being healthy, zokrem іntelekt, for the purpose of development.
Children with emotional damages experience such negative emotions, such as grief, fear, gniv, litter,
ogida, aggression, afekti. For such children, there is a luring high level of anxiety, and positive emotions
emerge very rarely. The very fact that the development of the emotional sphere of children is important
for the development of a healthy mental life as a specialty.


Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. − № 2 (106). – С. 28-38
How to Cite
Shevchenko, J. (2022). Methodological recommendations for the formation of social competence in primary school children with down syndrome. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 106(2), 28-38.