Culturological approach in the paradigm of physical-healthy working with children with complex definitely development
The article analyzes the essence and specifics of the notion «culture». The basic principles of the cultural approach of the organization of physical culture and health work with children with complex developmental disorders are revealed. In particular, the essence of this concept is clarified, as well as the interrelationship that is significant from the pedagogical point of view. The components of the cultural approach to physical culture and health work with children with complex developmental disorders are considered, including valeological culture, physical culture and health culture. It is found out that the organization of physical culture and health work with such children is aimed at physical rehabilitation of health, elimination of mental experiences, unwanted negative guides, uncertainty in their forces regarding possible deterioration of health, relapse of illness, etc.
The purpose of the article is to elucidate the peculiarities of the culturological approach in the paradigm of physical culture and health work with children with complex developmental disabilities.
Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature data on the research problem.
Cultural approach in the research of the pedagogical direction makes it possible to assimilate culture (universal, national, ethnoculture and the like) as a process of personal discovery of those who study, create a world of culture in themselves, take part in the dialogue of cultures, in the process of which the individual and personal development of higher mental functions. The culturological approach is one of the leading methodological principles of the entire modern education system, a subsoil of studying and understanding the essence of man as a subject of culture in the realities of the environment. The culturological approach in the proposed study allows treating children with complex developmental disorders in the system of physical culture and health work as subjects of physical culture, whose activities are aimed at preserving the existing health, preventing deterioration in health, physical and mental stability, confidence, in their abilities. A promising area for future research is the study of the specifics of the development of educational programs that would be based on the culturological approach in the paradigm of physical culture and health work with children with complex developmental disabilities.
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