Psychological barriers in education of children with delayed development

  • Kseniia Buzhinetskaia Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Education and Psychology 
Keywords: developmental delay, junior high school students, cognitive impairment, learning, psychological barriers, correctional and development work


The article attempts to outline the theoretical aspects of the problem of psychological barriers of children with developmental delay, to identify the signs of psychological barriers, mainly related to the cognitive, emotional-volitional spheres and other features of the development of younger students of this category. To make theoretical conclusions about the psychological barriers that make it difficult to successfully acquire cognitive information in the education of younger students with developmental delay, which include: disorders of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking), which lead to developmental and learning difficulties, lowered mental activity, low level of constructive ideas, peculiarity of speech development and others. To substantiate the ways of corrective-developmental work on overcoming the negative factors that impede the successful mastering of educational activity by children with developmental delay.


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How to Cite
Buzhinetskaia, K. (2020). Psychological barriers in education of children with delayed development. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: TEACHING AND UPBRINGING, 3(92), 35-43.